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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  September 8, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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into more than a dozen vehicles. hear more from the driver on what he says went wrong. >> and this was not part of the show. a lion attacks his trainer at a lion attacks his trainer at a las vegas casino. man: we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on! woman: ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! how about a nice home for our tv? how about doors to hide that drive-in theater? how about a cowhide rug?
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yee-haw! and the snacks? get their own place. let the marathon begin! turned into a wrecking yard this evening. that's after a dump truck came speeding down the grand avenue off-ramp out of control. >> in all 13 carses damaged. five people were hurt. amy hollyfield is near the accident scene tonight with what happened. amy? >> carolyn, one driver told me when she heard the truck start hitting cars she thought it was gunshots. the driver of the truck said he did everything he could to try and stop that truck, but that his brakes were gone. the driver said he felt like he was floating when he was
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barreling out of control toward a line of cars sitting at a red light. >> oh god the whole way is all i could say. >> he jumped out to check on everyone and was especially relieved when he realized that no one was in the backseat of the honda he hit. >> i think everyone is really lucky. we are fortunate nobody is in the backseat of the honda. we are very lucky. >> the honda driver's daughter was overcome with emotion when she saw the smashed car. >> started crying and i said, is that your car? she said it is my dad's. i said i'm sorry, but he got out. she started crying. >> 13 carses in all were -- cars in all were damaged. one of the drivers, katie evans, got a big hug from her mom when she got to the scene, and then another one when her
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mom surveyed the wreckage. >> it was pretty tight. i don't think she ever hugged me so tightly before and used the word miracle. >> five people were tacken to the hospital, but none with life-threatening injurieses. which is a relief to the truck driver and his wife of ten years. >> i am okay that he is -- i am glad he is okay and everyone made it out alive. >> the driver and his wife did not want to give their last name. the officers here at the scene tell me this is the biggest accident they have seen in their career, and it is a miracle that everyone walked away. live in oakland, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> thank you very much. a chemist at the center of an east bay murder mystery was released from jail after a judge reduced his bail from $2 million to $25,000. 72-year-old charl rittenhouse was arrested after the bodies of his wife and another woman were found at his home. he was arrested for possession of explosives and bomb-making
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chem -- chemicals. prosecutors say they do not plan to file murder charges against him. but they do consider him a person of interest. the women are believed to be victims of a killing spree by a man investigators think murdered at least four people. the key suspect was killed by the highway patrol after a high speed chase. the search for a possible fifth victim has turned up nothing so far at a pits pit landfill. a -- at a pits pit landfill. a search expected to continue until the end of the week. and there is a plan to cancel the burning of the quran on the anniversary of 9/11. a muslim leader offered to diffuse the situation. >> i will talk to the muslim world. i will defend you as my nay are bo -- neighbor. >> we are not convinced that backing down is the right thing. >> imagine a pastor that is soy go tis staw cal that he
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would sacrifice the lives of missionarieses to go forward with this. this is so stupid. >> and today sarah palin joined other conservatives urging him to cancel the burning. they welcomed many muslims who participated in a solidarity meeting. karina risk -- karina rusk has that story. >> what if we all agree that this misguided, foolish, fellow american is so off base that we ignored him. >> but it is too late for that so the leaders of the faith groups gathered in palo alto today. they joined a chorus of voices condemning a plan by terry jones to burn the quran in florida on september 11th. they are urging peace and tolerance to prevail. >> i wish it hadn't happened.
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>> despite worldwide outrage and pressure, the pastor with a congregation of no more than 50 isn't backing down. >> as of this time, we have no intention of can selling. -- cancelling. >> they broadcast the muslim and arab news reports that are following the quran burning and debate about the ground zero mosque in new york. >> the tone of the reports has a big question. and the question is about questioning the rise of islam-aphobia in the united states. >> the international president ares include statements bisect of state hillary clinton and general david petraeus, calling the gainsville event disgraceful and dangerous to american troops. at least in the united states muslims say they are reassured by the response of the majority of americans. >> two days ago before all of
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these statements surfaced, we are all very scared, very nervous. it was very uncertain. >> today there was a promise that the show of solidarity will only grow and religious extremism should be denounced regardless of the source. >> i think mr. terry jones is dividing rather than binding people together. >> one of the counter demonstrations planned here for the bay area is called a celebration of diversity. people of all faiths are encouraged to gather here at the santa clara county administration building on friday starting at 5:00. in san jose, karina rusk, abc7 news. the council on islamic-american relations is planning to distribute 200,000 copies of the quran nationwide. the bay area chapter says it will participate and hand out the religious text next week. the legality of state worker furloughs is in the
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hands of california's supreme court. during a hearing, labor groups argued the governor's order violates a collective bargaining agreement with state employees guaranteeing 40-hour workweeks. they must take three paid days off under the furlough plan. but an attorney for the state claims the governor has the authority to take emergency action during a fiscal crisis. and cutting workers' pay is a lot better than laying them off, the argument goes. >> reducing workdayses by two a month, the furlough order -- the furlough executive order before the court is certainly a far less of a hardship on state employees than being laid off entirely. >> union lawyers have protections like advanced notice and senority. >> they bypass all of the protections. they take affect immediately and they apply to everybody. they are far more drastic than the lay of yos.
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that's -- than the layoffs. >> the supreme court has 90 days to issue a ruling. in the meantime, the furloughs will continue. governor schwarzenegger leaves tomorrow on a six-day trade mission to china. today he stopped by marvel technology in santa clara. executives from the semiconductor company will travel with the governor. he says california has increased exports by $25 billion since 2003, but more needs to be done. >> we must keep pushing forward. we never should just sit back and enjoy and rest on our laurels. there is much more out there, many more markets and many more opportunities that we can cease. >> they are making a pitch to host the world expo in 2020. the event formerly none as the world's fair is under way in shanghai and takes place every five years. an aide to senator barbara boxer is facing marijuana charges. the aide, marcus stanley, a senior economic advisor, was
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arrested after removing pot from his pocket as he went through screening at a senate office building. he resigned immediately. senator boxer calls his actions wrong and unacceptable. plans to build an elevated tram connecting bart cleared a key hurdle. the metropolitan transit commission voted to allocate $20 million to build the controversial connector. it would replace the air bart buses that link the airport and the bart station. state and federal agencies will approve the $500 million needed to build the connector. it has been three months since a community activist was gunned down at a shopping center. tonight how friends and family are trying to keep his murder from becoming another cold case. >> and the remnants of tropical storm hermine spawns tornados and flooding. >> and terrifying moments at the mgm in las vegas as one of the lions lungs at his trainer. >> and coming up next on "nightline" as president obama
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scrambles to find a way forward on the economy, americans are taking matterses into their own hands. and for pawnshops at least, that means business is booming. we'll go in the famed las vegas pawnshop behind añtñtñtñt
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>> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to someone murdered an east palo alto social activists and the killer is still out there. david luis was killed in june, and now the victim's family is turning to the public for help, hoping to keep the investigation alive. lisa amin gulezian has the story. >> they filed into hillsdale mall on a mission. at 5:40 p.m. on june 9th, someone shot and killed david luis in the parking lot of hillsdale mall. at 5:40 p.m., his friends and family are asking shoppers for help because luis' killer is still out there. >> this is the time of day it happened. it is pretty busy here. it is almost impossible for a car to kill someone without people noticing. >> but few people are talking
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and that's what exacterses say they -- investigators say they need to solve this case. >> it makes things difficult when you only have a suspect and victim. >> police are calling this case a high priority. the city's police chief also passed out fliers. there have been 25 search warrants issued and hundreds of interviews and even a $50,000 reward offered. people are frustrated. >> not trying to blame it on the police, but we don't know. they say they are investigating, so we have to put it in their hands. >> we have a whole police department that wants to bring these individuals to justice. >> the one who wants this case closed most is luis' widow. she visited pacific stores. -- specific stores. >> very nice. >> my stomach is in knotses. i i was indecisive. i wanted to come back to the scene of the crime where my husband was murdered. i need to be here.
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>> a sentiment shared by many. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> the only gunshot in san francisco got the go ahead to reopen. they shut down their operation when the owner decided to start a wholesale gun business. but the planning code requires a primarily retail use. some residents didn't want the gun shop in their neighborhood, but the city permit committee showed there is no evidence linking them to violence or crime. san mateo is using eminent domain to force a family out of their home for 15 years. the city needs the property to expand its busiest fire station. its neighbors are expected to reluctantly accept the city's offer of $1 million for the property. the family ept renting the home says they have no idea where they will go. the fire station is too small to handle its load, and it will be torn down and rebuilt at humboldt and thorpe.
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at least 135 homes have burned during the past three days in a wildfire. the number is expected to climb even higher with warmer temperatures forecasted over the next couple days. four people are missing tonight. neighbors believe they ignored evacuation orders and stayed behind to try to save their homes. more than 100 high water rescues had to be per rm toed in texas and oak -- performed in texas and oklahoma. what is left of tropical storm hermine has swamped the area damaging dozenses of homes. the storm caused several tornadoses that touched down across texas tonight. these twisters were all relatively weak and caused only minor damage and injuries. they are frightening to watch. >> very different story here. but we did see some rainfall. >> which is early this time of year. >> it is unusual, but not dangerous. live doppler 7hd is not
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picking up precipitation at the moment. we could have sprinkles overnight. we are picking up scattered snow showers. this is not a big snowstorm, but it is snow, and it is falling rather early. our 24-hour totals show we did have rainfall. the santa cruz mountains picked up .15 of an inch. pacifica and monterey i can -- picked a few hundredths. it is drying out right now. in fact, right now these are ob temperature readings. 60 in oakland and 60 in san jose. we have readings in the mid to upper 60s. sprinkles are possible again overnight in the south bay. part of the east bay will see clearing in the north bay which will allow a cool down. gradually warmer conditions will settle in, and then that pattern will remain steady into next week. our satellite-radar shows a big pool of cool air. that's what descended over us and brought us the unusual
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weather. the jet stream is dipping farther to the south. as we animate the maps, we will see clouds covering a big portion of the area. clear skies will allow for cooling. they could bring with them more sprinkles during the overnight hours. low temperatures will be in the 40s in parts of the north bay. cloverdale, santa rosa and napa. overnight lows will drop to the 50s over the remainder of the area. lots of cloud cover, except for the north bay and a chance for more sprinkles. as we look ahead to tomorrow, sunny skies in the south bay with high temperatures beginning to moderate. it won't be warm, but it will be milder than today. highs in the low 70s. also on the paw -- peninsula, upper 60ss to around 70. upper 50s on the coast. not much of a change there. downtown san francisco will see a high of 63. it will get milder in the north bay with highs in the mid to upper 70s in the mildest locations.
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in the near east bay, upper 60s to near 70. over the hills into the inland valleys of the east bay, we will see low to mid70s and near monterey bay, ict iss near the bay and low 70s in gilroy and morgan hill. here is the seven-day forecast -- further warming friday, saturday and sunday and into next week we will see inland highs in the mid80s. around the bay, mid70s. on the coast, low 60s, and that's a nice pattern you can see for the next several days. summer is about to wind down. we haven't had much of a stretch of summer-like weather, but this could be it. >> we really haven't. >> things are looking good for the weekend and next week. >> thanks, spencer. well, google thinks it can read your mind. >> the new search function predicts what you are looking for. that's next. [ female announcer ] back to school means back to busy mornings.
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that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. and these arthe ones you'll love on a tuesday. pillsbury crescent dogs, with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner. they're crescents r the other 364. try them tonight. reading your mind. the mountain view company unveiled google instant. the feature tries to predict
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what you are going to search by filling in the rest of the word. >> i am embarassed to admit a phrase i was toying with, you want to make google the third half of your brain. that came up in conversation the other day. i am also astounded by the rate of innovation and user in-- user interfaces. >> they are already talking about blocking sites that are violent, pornographic or hateful. and they say it would be bias toward major brands and companies that advertise with google. we have a piece of video. a lion has helped save a trainer attacked boo i a lion at a las vegas casino. watch. the 400-pound lion bit the trainer in the leg during a show. then she saw the lioness trying to pull the lion away.
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it was shot by a couple on their honeymoon. a hotel rep says the trainer is recovering and looking forward to returning to the lion's den. it looked like that lion jumped in to help. >> look at all the tour ryes watching. -- the tourists watching. >> the giants try to keep the heat on in the desert. the a's fans leaving it all on the bleachers. and down the steps and under the railing and so on and so forth. sport is nextxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtt
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good evening. win less in his last 10 outings. barry zito took the mound for the giants trying to give them a chance to tie the padres. zito pitched pretty well. but it was not well enough. would it take divine intervention to get him a win? buddy sanchez going deep for
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the second straight night. hudson pitched extremely well. zito off to a 1-0 lead. but that's all the giants got. he has clones out there wearing his 75. but here is the real zito. strikes out johnson. in the third, zito goes inside on johnson. base hit to right and steven drew gives arizona a 2-1 lead. it is a 3-1 game in the 9th. cody ross and that ends the game. the giants fall and the padress won. the giants are two back as they head to san diego for a four-game showdown. the a's and m's in the third. and cocoa crisp and out like a rocket. the real action is in the stands. empty handed. i have been known to revel in another man's misery if it makes for a good highlight, and this is it. we love the effort, but we would like to see that determination from you, dan. a little more effort, but he will get nothing and like it. the cameraman came up with the
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ball. back to the game. coy co crisp finishing -- cocoa crisp finishing up a big night. 4-3a's final. i think we spent more time watching the guy diving around in the stands. the niners cut nate davis on monday. today he was back wearing red and gold. no other team claimed him. davis, a super athlete, but he has been in mike singletary's dog house. the coach did not like the quarterback's work ethic or off season preparation. the niners gambled by cutting davis. in a league where teams are desperate for qb's nobody took a chance. alex smith will start sunday in seattle. let me be clear. he would be the back up. >> there was no talk that he would compete with number one. there was no talk, none. there was no talk of that. there was no talk he was gonna compete for number one, never. >> i think there was. >> i'm telling you there was not for me. i'm the head coach. it doesn't matter who else said it. it doesn't matter.
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we did not have david carr come in here and compete for him for number one. we did not. absolutely, uny qifl callie, did not. >> do you think mike singletary is ready for the season opener? he is fired up. tonight in new york, soderling took a trip to club fed and it was not pleasant. gwen stefoni is keeping roger's wife company. roger and first set and watch the drop shot, and the great one wayne gretzky in the house. how did he do that? the 16-time grand slam champ will play joe caw very much in the semifinals with a 6-4, 6-4, 7-5 victory. and it is the anniversary of the debut of star trek. i offer you, livelong and prosper. >> make sure you get the fingers right.
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>> they can be tricky. >> was davis being considered or not? singletary was not definitive there. >> stirring the pot. are you sure you didn't bring him in? >> i'm sure. >> he's positive. >> thanks, larry. >> well, live long and prosper. >> for larry beil and spencer christian, thanks for joining us. >> have a great evening. stay connected at see you tomorrow. >> good night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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